Tuesday, October 19, 2004

This one is self explanatory, but in case it's unclear: Posted by Hello

Edwards as a woman... Posted by Hello

Dubya as a woman... Posted by Hello

Cheney as a woman... Posted by Hello

What the Pres and the VP candidates would look like if they were women... Posted by Hello

Monday, October 18, 2004

To be a bona-fide geek/car enthusiast, one really can't have a good car without an in-car PC. Gizmodo has an excellent writeup on Car-Bound PCs. Now, I just need to collect some parts from around the house, and get to building me a Carputer.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

From the kooky designers at NEC Japan -http://www.nec-design.co.jp/showcase/ - come some amazing, beautiful, and wonderous exercizes in future gadgets. For example, these pens are from a collection of five pens that all work together, communicate in a PAN, and then use a PAN connection to a cellular to connect to the internet. One pan works as a keyboard, the other as a projector, yet another pen writes, and converts hand writing into text, stored on board, and finally there's a small camera. If only these designs could be sold today. Posted by Hello

No More Bush

No More Bush
Originally uploaded by LAArt.
Just came back from Hustler Hollywood. This place is quickly becoming one of my favorite coffee shops. The crew is pretty friendly, there are always available seats, parking is plentiful and not timed - all in all, it's a good place to hang out, even on Saturday nights. Sometimes, they even hold events in the book section downstairs, and today was no exception. I've learned that the trick to observing the festivities is to grab the table just outside the window behind the velvet couch. Two weeks ago, it was an adult film promotion, this weekend it was a political event. Yes, ladies and gentlement, even the porn industry is rallying together to stop the re-election of the Shrub. The "No More Bush" girls had their tongue planted firmly in cheek when they threw together a poster-signing/rally at Hustler's Hollywood store. Not even the pouring rain could stop the throngs of well-hung (with camera equipment) Kerry supporters/amateur photographers. This is the shot of the poster they were signing, at $15 a pop. Apparently, supporting Kerry can cost you - in more ways than one.
My only disappointment - not seeing my favorite reporter, Xeni Jardin of BoingBoing/NPR, covering the event. That space flight must have really had an effect on you, Xeni - no more covering the eclectic beat around town?

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Hustler hollywood is having a 'No more (B)bush' rally-in both senses of the phrase

Friday, October 15, 2004

Right on the heels of Google SMS (google lookups by text messaging GOOGL), comes Google Desktop Search. Neat idea:
# Find your email, files, web history and chats instantly
# View web pages you've seen, even when you're not online
# Search as easily as you do on Google
Google Desktop Search finds:
Outlook / Outlook Express
AOL Instant Messenger
Internet Explorer

Monday, October 11, 2004

Take a look at the G.W. & Crew - Flip Flop "catalog".
Very funny take on consumerism and Dubya's own "flip-flops".

YellowPages.com: Verizon loves me, Verizon loves me not, Sprint loves me...

Originally uploaded by LAArt.
I went to Yellowpages.com to look up a phone number, and saw an ad for their WAP site. Considering how much I pay for directory assistance on my cell ($1.25 per call), and how much WAP access I have ($10 for unlimited use), I figured what the hell - might as well check it out, even if lookups do take longer via browser. Take a look at the screen shot attached for what came. So who is Yellow pages partnering with? If you notice, the text is for Verizon, but the logo is Sprint. The two pages that lead to this screen also list Sprint prominently. So what happened? Who goofed?
The funniest part is the "WE NEED A NEW CELL PHONE GRAPHIC !!!" at the bottom right of the screen. Great example of releasing webpages without getting approval.

Monday, October 04, 2004

While we are on a Russian theme here, take a look at one of Gawker's three new testosterone blogs, Screenhead. Well, not the whole blog, but this entry in particular, which will then link you to a fun Finnish LADA site, where you can experience the Ladaraider movie.

What's a Lada, you ask? The Canadian readers in the audience may be familiar with the very inexpensive Lada NIVA SUV, which is no longer sold in Canada, but others may know Lada sedans as Fiat Brava, or as a Datsun 510 circa 1970 - except not as reliable, attractive, or sporty.

There's a Russian saying - a turd won't drown in shit. While Lada was the russian Chevrolet, in terms of its mass appeal and ranking in the Russian car culture, it had much better shit-fjording abilities.

I had a chance to drive around in one last year, and it brought back not-so-fond memories of my old 79 Datsun 510 wagon, the one where my 6'1" frame could barely clear the post between the doors. There was nothing like getting back into my properly-sized Japanese vehicle back home.

I got my first Boing Boing mention today! Woo-hoo! Alright, it's just an update to the Cheburashka story, and the description didn't come out the way I intended it, but I'm still proud to have a contribution.
Long live the Boing!
In case you missed it, here's the link: http://www.boingboing.net/2004/10/04/cheburashka_adorable.html
Here's my Cheburashka post:

Friday, October 01, 2004

Cingular and T-Mobile went tits up this evening. Calls are going to wrong people, to messaging servers, or nowhere at all. Cingular and T-Mobile share towers, but have mixed equipment at the towers themselves. This is just like the crossed lines of old times, and so far I can't reach any of my friends on either of those networks. Thankfully, I've given the last seven years of my life to Sprint, and am thus out of the fun loop.