Thursday, November 23, 2006


I'm so pissed, I'm yelling at the PC. Amazon just lost a loyal customer - me, for pulling their "1000 xbox 360s for $100" stunt. The way they handled it was equivalent to having people line up in front of the store, and not issuing any kind of wristband, coupon, tag, whatever - and then having everyone storm the front doors with no regard for anyone else. A lottery for the 1000 xbox systems would have made more sense. Does anyone really believe Amazon couldn't foresee that millions of people would hit their servers at once, and crash them?
Screw Amazon - I'm cancelling my account with them right now!
Besides, their prices haven't been competitive in months on a bunch of items, and I get better service from local merchants and Costco anyway.

Au revoir, bitches!

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