Thursday, September 08, 2005

My favorite explanation for why "Bush Don't Care About People"

According to "Nan Thrax" (yeah, how clever), responding to a post on boing boing:
What everyone fails to understand about the Bush Administration response to Katrina is the underlying reasoning. My wife (who is an Evangelical Christian) explained to me that this is the beginning of the 'End Times'. Katrina is just one of the portents. Bush et al are just marking time until Rapture. God smote the modern Sodom as a sign of his might (on this Dr. Dobson and Bin Laden agree). This event in just another sign of the Second Coming. By controlling the press, freedom of movement, etc. Bush is help people to get ready for the Rapture. None of the problems are the fault of Bush, they are controlled by God. So do not blame Bush, it is not his fault, God made him do it.
While I understand that this is how conspiracy theorists thrive, doesn't this just make you slap yourself on your head, and go "well that makes sense"?

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